9 Ways to Make the Most of Distance Learning
Learn 9 ways to care for yourself and your family while navigating distance learning.
Developing a Healthy Relationship with Your Body
5 Tips to Help Parents Be Kind to Their Bodies
Self-Care for Tough Times
When times are tough, it’s time to go back to the self-care fundamentals. Thinking about drinking enough water or making sure you get to your virtual therapy appointment certainly doesn’t hold the same appeal as spa treatments or weekend getaways with loved ones. But in times like these it’s important to check in with your self-care foundation.
September is National Self-Care Awareness Month
Get your free downloadable self-care calendar to celebrate National Self-Care Awareness month!
Avoid Burnout by Challenging The Four Barriers to Self-Care
It’s easy to put yourself at the bottom of the priority list as a parent, but we cannot afford to— it’s not sustainable. Prioritizing self-care leads to being a calmer, healthier parent and something I think all parents can get on board with: modeling self-love and balance for your children.
Top 10 Self-Care Products for Summer 2020
Here are some of the self-care products I’m loving these days. The products are broken down by category, but as you will notice, many of them could be in multiple self-care categories. I feature the different components of self-care to emphasize that self-care is more than bubble baths and manicures!
Guest Blog Post for My Self-Love Supply
Parents have always been pressed for time, now more than ever as many of us are working from home and caring for our children during a global health crisis. It’s easy to put yourself at the bottom of the priority list as a parent, but we cannot afford to— it’s not sustainable. Neglecting self-care makes you vulnerable to entering a cycle of becoming frustrated with your child, losing your cool, and then feeling guilty. However, prioritizing self-care leads to being a calmer, healthier parent and something I think all parents can get on board with: modeling self-love and balance for your children.
5 Reasons to Run for Mental Wellness
Physical self-care is the foundation of any self-care routine, as it includes essentials such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and prioritizing sleep. I recently got to interview Kjersti Nelson, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Run Coach. I’m excited to tap into her expertise, and learn more about the benefits of incorporating running into your physical self-care routine.
Dads vs. Moms: Survey Finds that Fathers are Less Likely to Practice Emotional Self-Care
The survey found that mothers and fathers are utilizing many of the same self-care strategies. However, it also surfaced important differences, finding that fathers were less likely to share their emotions and think about how to be kind to themselves.
You Are Not Alone
This blog post discusses Parent Self-Care’s recent survey findings and features an interview with Psychologist Dr. Emily King
Breathing Exercises for the Non-Meditator
We all know meditation is good for us, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. You don’t need to meditate in order to reap the benefits of taking time to pause and breathe. Read more to learn 10 breathing exercises you and your child might enjoy.
Despite Increasing Levels of Burnout, Parents Report They Feel Closer to Their Children
Parent Self-Care recently conducted a survey of 123 U.S. parents to understand how they are coping during the Coronavirus. This is the first in a series of posts that explores some uplifting news: Despite increased levels of parental burnout, the majority of parents feel their relationship has improved with their children as a result of sheltering in place.
Staying Sane While Working From Home
Part 5 of a Five-Part Series: Occupational Self-Care During a Pandemic
Intellectual Stimulation and Spirituality During Times of Social Distancing
Part 4 of a 5-Part Series: Intellectual, Cultural, and Spiritual Self-Care
8 Ways to Not Hate Your Partner During COVID 19
While many couples are feeling more connected as they band together during these unprecedented times, let’s face it, we are in CLOSE quarters! I hope these tips help you and your partner deepen your bond and cope with the added pressures of a public health crisis.
10 Ways to Care for Our Bodies and Living Space During a Quarantine
Part 3 in a Five-Part Series About Self-Care During the Coronavirus
Caring for Ourselves During Coronavirus
Get Your FREE Guide
100 At-Home Self-Care Ideas Across All 9 Categories of the Wellness Wheel
8 Ways to Stay Connected While Sheltering in Place
Part 2 of a 5-Part Series: Social or Relational Self-Care
20 Minute Kindness Lesson for Young Children
Learn How to be a Friend to Yourself and Others, Ideal for Ages 4-8
8 Self-Care Ideas for Parents During the Coronavirus Crisis
Part 1 of a 5-Part Series: Emotional Self-Care